
I was stopped for speeding, but my radar detector never went off. Why?

There are many reasons why your radar detector may not have detected the radar. One simple reason is that your device is not set up to detect the specific band or type of device the officer was using. For example, a radar detector will not tell you if the officer is using a stopwatch or

I was stopped for speeding, but my radar detector never went off. Why?2022-05-26T09:57:22-05:00

How fast is too fast?

Kansas speed regulations start with the basic rule that the speed of a vehicle has to be reasonable and prudent for existing conditions. Even when the posted speed limit is 70 mph, it may be safe to go 45 mph due to heavy rain, snow, ice or blowing dust.

How fast is too fast?2022-05-26T09:57:21-05:00

How do Troopers measure how fast vehicles are going?

The Kansas Highway Patrol uses 3 methods of measuring the speed of vehicles traveling on our highways. - Radar: The most commonly used method of measuring the speed of other vehicles is Doppler Traffic Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging). Radar units used by the Patrol are capable of tracking the speed of vehicles while the

How do Troopers measure how fast vehicles are going?2022-05-26T09:57:21-05:00

I have heard that I can drive 5 or 10 mile per hour over the posted speed limit without being ticketed. Is this true?

It is a violation of Kansas law to speed as little as 1 mile per hour over the posted speed limit. The law states speed violations of 10 or less miles per hour over the speed limit in 55 to 75 mile per hour zones will not count as moving violations for purposes of driving

I have heard that I can drive 5 or 10 mile per hour over the posted speed limit without being ticketed. Is this true?2022-05-26T09:57:21-05:00

Can I get a speeding ticket if I drive with the flow of traffic?

Speed limits are set for the safety of all motorists and others along the roadway. There is no "flow of traffic" exception in Kansas law, and you risk being cited for speeding if you choose to exceed the posted limit.

Can I get a speeding ticket if I drive with the flow of traffic?2022-05-26T09:57:21-05:00
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